CCSVI, Iron Deposits, MS and Alzheimer’s

Recent research using brain scans showed iron deposition in patients with CCSVI and MS. But the iron deposits weren’t found in areas typically associated with hyperintensity signals. Instead, they were found in different but very interesting locations that I won’t go into here. Suffice it to say that sluggish brain circulation can lead to cytotoxic edema, which is a topic I cover thoroughly in my book. Sluggish blood flow causes all types of waste products to accumulate and iron is just one of several well known suspects that can initiate neurodegenerative processes. Other strong suspects include calcium and glutamate. Nonetheless, knowing all this, still doesn’t tell us what the cause of CCSVI and sluggish blood flow is. Furthermore, except for research, it serves no clinical purpose to use brain scans to check for iron deposits as a marker for MS considering the cost and the fact that it does nothing to alter the course of the condition.

What’s more interesting about this recent study on iron depositon is that it cites two other particular studies of interest. The first one from Brain Research, done in 1997, showed similar iron deposition in Alzheimer’s disease, which I cover in my book. The other study is from Functional Neurology, by Dr. Zamboni where it was found that the severity of CCSVI, that is venous drainage issues in the brain, is related to altered CSF hydrodynamics. All three studies corroborate my theory that, in addition to MS, CCSVI similarly causes Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. I will be covering cranial hydrodynamics in future posts. I cover the topic thoroughly in my book. Among other things, I believe that CCSVI alters cranial hydrodynamics resulting in either hydrocephalus or Chiari type conditions, but it starts with drainage issues.

About uprightdoctor

I am a sixty year old retired chiropractor with considerable expertise in the unique designs of the human skull, spine and circulatory system of the brain due to upright posture, and their potential role in neurodegenerative diseases of the brain and cord. I have been writing about the subject for well over two decades now. My interests are in practical issues related to upright posture and human health.
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17 Responses to CCSVI, Iron Deposits, MS and Alzheimer’s

  1. helen1984 says:

    Curious, however I wonder how this relates to the fact that myself and a couple other people I know with ms have low ferratin levels? Surely if we lack in iron this cannot be the case?

    • You are absolutely right. I don’t believe that iron deposits are the cause MS. However, for reasons unknown, iron depositon appears to be correlated with neurodegenerative diseases and its destructive effects are well known. Iron deposition simply adds to the burden of degenerative processes. As far as low levels of iron are concerned, you can have low levels in the blood and still have iron deposition in the brain.

    • Drs Flanagan says:

      Helen, I posted my reply to your comment on my website so that others can take part in the conversation and learn. Thanks, MFDC

    • ido says:

      it is all related to low thyroid.low ferretine is low thyroid and problems of the veins are related to low thyroid.

  2. Joan says:

    Have enjoyed reading your insights, upright doc. You’ve noted many of the issues relating to Schelling vs. Zamboni–backjets vs. stenosis. These were some of my questions to both of the doctors in Bologna last year. We do not have all the answers– more research needs to be completed. I’d refer you to the International Society of Neurovascular Disease–this organization could use someone with your experience in the mechanical aspect of physiology and blood flow.

  3. Stella says:

    ok, good article. I’m at the point right now that I’m going to hound my family doctor for referrals and tests and MRI’s and scans and whatever just to try find a doctor that will treat me, not as a patient of MS or CCSVI, but as a vascular patient. I’m sick and tired of putting bandaides on symptoms, and not treating the cause. I believe I’m at the point right now that I’m just a stroke waiting to happen due to arties and blocked veins, and I’m not too happy with the condition of my right leg and hip, if something isn’t done really soon, I fear amputation. I will not stop till I have satisfactory results.
    Sorry had to vent, been a very painful couple of weeks.

  4. Pingback: CCSVI, Iron Deposits, MS and Alzheimer’s | CCSVI

  5. Giovanni Borasi says:

    I would like to know what would be, at the present time, the most appropriate therapy for Alzheimer’s disease.

    • Drs Flanagan says:

      I believe AD is mostly due to chronic long standing drainage problems that lead to a water logged brain. The problem is that by the time we recognize it and start to treat AD serious damage has been done. It’s like trying to cure blindness instead of correcting the glaucoma that caused it. Interestingly, glaucoma is sometimes caused by venous drainage problems in the eye. It’s called narrow angle glaucoma, which I discuss in my book. For now, it doesn’t hurt to make sure you upper cervical spine is in good shape to insure healthy blood flow and CSF flow in and out of the brain.

    • ido says:

      look at low dose naltrexone ,prevagen.check thyroid and try to lower carbs and increase good fats.if you eat much extra virgin coconut oil,things can improve.

  6. weight says:

    yeah my dad will like this

  7. My son and I have Ehlers-Danlos (which means lousy vessels!), and developed orthostatic intolerance, autonomic dysfunction, occipital headaches radiating down the shoulders, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and mental issues that I can only liken to bipolar disorder.
    We developed pain that was clearly high intracranial pressure, and I went on Diamox. The headache (for both of us) stopped in 12 hours. Most interestingly, our urine was the most striking orange/brown color! I thought about iron or hemoglobin being released.
    Could Diamox help diagnose those with iron on the brain, and would CCSVI help us, in your best judgment? We continue to take the Diamox religiously, and I have more brain atrophy than what one typically sees at my age. Thank you!

  8. Pippo says:

    Wondering what is a medical test that I can ask to verify if my brain circulation is alright.
    I suffer mainly from fatigue/depression/anxiety/difficult concentratio and I am curious to see if the blood flow is completely normal.

    • Hello Pippo,
      Sound brain circulation starts with healthy heart circulation. Blood tests, blood pressure, pulse rate and respiration are a good place to start to check brain circulation. Weak anemic blood effects oxygenation of the brain. Autoimmune-inflammatory conditions can also effect blood flow in the brain due to the chemical cascades and edema they cause. Degeneration of blood vessels due to fatty deposits and high blood pressure cause them to become stiff. Stiff blood vessels impair efficient blood flow and increase blood pressure, which is transmitted to the brain. My next post will be on high pressure waves in the brain. High pulse pressure waves can damage the brain. High pulse pressure can come from the arterial supply side but they can also be caused by obstruction to venous blood and CSF outflow. Brain blood flow can also be checked by ultrasound and phase contrast cine MRI. Brain blood vessels can be checked using contrast dyes with MRI or CT angiograms.

  9. Sajid says:

    Dear Doc

    I am an MS patient. My main problem is spasticity and numbness in right hand (palm and first three fingers and thumb). EMG/NCS suggested CTS and TOS and I had TOS(once) and CTS (Twice). CTS surgery gave me some relieve but only 10-20%. Lately, my neuro again referred me and I was told it could be due to Pronator Teres Syndrome as extension of elbow sharply increases my pain in median nerve areas in hand. The problem is that my real brother who is also a doctor (orthopedic surgeon) says that this all is due to MS. Changing postures in MS can alleviate or reduce the problems, I just narrated. I personally feels that it is median nerve entrapment in my right elbow. How can I convince him.


  10. Hello Sajid,

    Explain to your brother that changing posture alleviates the spasticity and numbness in the right hand. Changing posture would not improve the spasticity and numbness if it is due to MS. Likewise, changing posture will not relieve a pronator teres problem either. Changing posture, can relieve a TOS.

    I suspect your problem may be due to the TOS. In addition to neck and shoulder problems that can cause a TOS, curvatures and misalignments of the low back and pelvis can strain the shoulder girdle resulting in deformation and compression of the thoracic outlets. You need x-rays of your spine and a good physical exam.

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