Category Archives: dementia

CSF, Clapotis, Cisterns and Cysts

It is possible that faulty CSF flow through the foramen magnum and upper cervical spine can result in standing waves and water hammers that causes cysts to form in the cisterns, subarachnoid spaces and central canal. Continue reading

Posted in Alzheimer's, arachnoid cysts, chiari malformations, CSF, Dandy-Walker syndrome, dementia, demyelination, Devic's disease, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, empty sella syndrome, ms lesions, multiple sclerosis, neuromyelitis optica, optic neuritis, optic spinal multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's, physical anthropology, spondylosis, syrinxes | Leave a comment

The Missed Measure of Man

The design of the posterior fossa predisposes humans to normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH), Chiari malformations, cysts such as Dandy-Walker syndrome, and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis. Continue reading

Posted in Alzheimer's, arachnoid cysts, chiari malformations, cranial capacity, CSF, Dandy-Walker syndrome, dementia, Devic's disease, human intellect, measure intelligence, multiple sclerosis, neuromyelitis optica, optic neuritis, optic spinal multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's, physical anthropology | 5 Comments

Spondylosis, Stenosis, Cog Fog and Dementia

Spondylosis and stenosis of the cervical spine most likely play a significant role in cog fog and dementia seen in Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis. Continue reading

Posted in Alzheimer's, dementia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's, physical anthropology, spondylosis | 2 Comments